2021 Vol. 6, №4


Literary Theory



Elena A. Takho-Godi.
Russian Literature and Philosophy: Problems of Study and Preliminary Results

10 - 41
Kazbek K. Sultanov.
Re-discovering Evolution: A National Literature between Tautology and Renewal
42 - 67
Nina F. Shcherbak.
Contemporary Scottish and Irish Women’s Writing: Tradition and Innovation
68 - 87

World Literature

Igor A. Makarov, Boris M. Nikolsky.
Sorrows and Joys of Dicaepolis: Aristophanes’ Acharnians 1–16
88 - 119

Igor O. Shaуtanov.
Beyond the Epic. Richard II and the Nature of the Tragic in Shakespeare

120 - 141
Ekaterina B. Kriukova, Oxana А. Koval.
Walter Benjamin and Erich Kästner. The Story of Two Moralists
142 - 163
Evgenia V. Belskaya 
“And Here We are in the Fairyland” of Children’s Literature: The Case of the French Version of Internatsionalnaya Literatura” (1934)
164 - 179

Russian Literature

Nina V. Trofimova.
Biblical Quotations in the Novgorod First Chronicle
180 - 197
Luwei Zou, Maria V. Mikhaylova.
The Phenomenon of “Podakhmatovki”: Akhmatova’s Discourse in Women’s Poetry of the First Third of the 20th Century
198 - 223
Maria Yu. Ignatieva (Oganissian).
“Imaginary Lines”: Sources of St. John of the Cross by D.S. Merezhkovsky
224 - 245
Elena V. Antonova.
On the History of Critical Perception of the Story “For Future Use” by Platonov: About a Possible Reason for the “Big Bang”
246 - 261
Natalia V. Umryukhina.
Village Council in Paris: “French” Episode in the Story “For Future Use” by Platonov
262 - 273
Maria V. Osipenko.
Inspectors and Auditors: Some Sources of Andrey Platonov’s Work of the 1920s
274 - 299
Susumu Nonaka.
What You Can Get Used to and What You Cannot: Towards the Question of Platonov’s Traditionalism
300 - 313
Anastasia G. Gacheva.
Overcoming Faust: Maksim Gorky in the Perception of Philosopher, Poet, and Aesthetician Aleksandr Gorsky
314 - 343

Literature of the Peoples of Russia and Neighboring Countries

Vyacheslav A. Biguaa.
Symbolic Images of Stone and Mountains in the Literatures of Abkhazian and North Caucasian Nations
344 - 371

Folklore Studies


Andrey L. Toporkov.
The History of a Ritual Text Published by Ivan Sakharov

372 - 399

Textology. Materials


Ivan A. Poliakov, Maria A. Smirnova.
History of the Studies in Russian Memoir Literature of the 17th–18th Centuries: The Problem of Classification

400 - 445

Daria S. Moskovskaya.
On the History of the Academic Series “Literary Heritage” (for the 90th Anniversary)

446 - 465

Elena R. Obatnina.
Alexey Remizov and Boris Zaitsev: 1926 Anniversary Preparation

466 - 485
Vladimir Khazan, Larisa G. Zhukhovitskaya.
From the Correspondence of Shalom Aleichem and A.V. Amfiteatrov (on the Problem of the Russian- Jewish Literary Dialogue)
486 - 509


Dmitry M. Bulanin.
Literary Heritage of the First Ideologist of the Moscow Kingdom. Review of: Daniel, Metropolitan of Moscow. Works, ed. by L.I. Zhurova. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 2020, 848 p.
510 - 521