2021 Vol. 6, №2


Literary Theory


Artem A. Zubov.
Cognitive Aspects of Reception of Popular Literary Genres and Their Historical Variability


World Literature

Valentina S. Sergeeva.
Food Symbolism in the World of Vision of Piers Plowman
Andrey V. Korovin.
Creator and Art in Hans Christian Andersen’s Novels
Ivan V. Kuzin.
The Trickster Hero in M. Frisch’s Novel My Name Be Gantenbein
Elizaveta V. Sokolova.
Figure and Scope of Ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein in W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz

Russian Literature

Natalia M. Dolgorukova, Kseniia V. Babenko, Anna P. Gaydenko.
“A Strange Romance,” or Abelard and Héloïse in Russia of the 18th Century
 114 - 127
Galina N. Vorontsova.
“Between Heaven and Earth”: A.N. Tolstoy’s Fiction of 1918–1919
 128 - 143
Alexei I. Chagin.
The Poet’s “Long-Range Heart” (O. Mandelstam. The Poem of an Unknown Soldier)
 144 - 163
Anfisa D. Savina.
Cherubina de Gabriak: French Sources of the Mystification
 164 - 183
Anna V. Toporova.
Dante and His Poem as Perceived by Boris Zaitsev
 184 - 197
Anton V. Filatov.
The Personality of N.S. Gumilev as a Standard of the Main Character’s Behavior in V.V. Nabokov’s Novel The Eye
 198 - 211
Robert Hodel.
Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Platonov’s Prose of 1941–1945
 212 - 237
Nadezhda I. Glukhova, Nellya M. Shchedrina.
The Origin of Labour Camp Theme in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s Works: from Poetry to The Gulag Archipelago
 238 - 263

Literature of the Peoples of Russia and Neighboring Countries

Yuri Ya. Barabash.
Ethno-cultural Borderline: Conceptual, Typological, and Circumstantial Aspects (Alien — Other — One’s own). Third article
 264 - 303
Viktoriia B. Prikhodko.
Mythopoetics of Lesia Ukrainka’s Forest Song in English Reception and Interpretation
 304 - 315
Viktoriya D. Poselskaya, Ekaterina M. Efremova, Maria A. Kirillina.
Author’s Transformations of Folklore Images in Yakut Literature
 316 - 341

Folklore Studies


Olha N. Humeniuk.
Figurative-Compositional Ornamentality of Sudak Song in the Émigré Folklore of Crimean Tatars

 342 - 357

Textology. Materials


Alexander D. Ivinskiy.
M.N. Muravyov and Ancient Poets: Unpublished Translations

 358 - 385

Evgenuya A. Korshunova.
“Geographical Surprises” and More: the Poetics of S.N. Durylin’s Vodlozero Diary

 386 - 405

Anna S. Akimova.
“...Your Only Choice Now is to Type or to Be a Seller at the Muir and Mirrielees“: on the Creative History of A.N. Tolstoy’s Short Story Without Wings (From the Past)

 406 - 421

From the History of Literary Studies

Natalia V. Pestova.
Study of Expressionism in the Late 20th — Early 21st Centuries
 422 - 455
Vera V. Serdechnaia.
Blake Studies in the 21st Century
 456 - 477



Irina K. Staf.
About Glory, Crying and Formulas. Review of: Monuments of the Book Epic of West and East, ed. by S.Yu. Neklyudov, N.V. Petrov. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2018. 482 p.

 477 - 491