This article continues discussing ethnocultural borderline as it focuses on the Ukrainian-Russian cultural borders in the Eastern part of Ukraine. Ever since mid- 17th century, two formative elements, Russian and Ukrainian, have accounted for the polyethnic character of the socium in the area. We can speak of dynamic correlation of these elements in different historical periods, of the mobility of transitive forms and ambivalent states that in their turn, had an impact on the regional literature. From this point of view, the essay diachronically analyzes the main stages of the literary process in Slobodskaya Ukraine with Kharkov as it center. The paper emphasizes the role of Kharkov University founded in 1805 as well as of Kharkov periodical editions and collections in Russian and Ukrainian languages. It covers activity of such influential figures as G. Skovoroda, G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, P. Gulak-Artemovsky, I. Sreznevsky, N. Kostomarov, and A. Potebnya and reveals contradictions and dramatism of the literary life in Kharkov during the national cultural Renaissance of the 1920-s through the beginning of the 1930s (the so-called “Executed Renaissance”) and in the subsequent periods. Finally, the essay examines the “Donbass segment” of the Eastern ethnocultural borderline that has a shorter history but is no less controversial than Kharkov segment. It offers a comparative analysis of the fates of different writes and texts of the region in synchronic perspective.
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