Doctor of Law,
Director of the Historical Institute, University of Montenegro
MA thesis (presented and defended at the Faculty of Law, Belgrade University, Serbia on March 11th 1987): Termination of the International Legal Continuity of the Montenegrin State.
DSc thesis:
(defended at the Faculty of Law, Belgrade University, Serbia on March 7th 1994): Diplomacy of Montenegro, 1878–1918.
Research Interests: Diplomatic history of Montenegro, Legal history, nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Professional Service
He was elected Director of the Historical Institute, University of Montenegro at the end of April 2009 and held office in two terms until April 29, 2015. During this time, he was a member of the Senate of the University of Montenegro (for 6 years). Prior to his appointment, he was a member of the University Council for Social Sciences for a two-year term. At the moment, he is the acting director of the aforementioned Institute
During the period 1998–2002, he served as editor-in-chief of Historical Records, the leading historical journal in Montenegro, and again from the beginning of 2009 to April 2015, and from the autumn of 2017. The journal has an international editorial board and is indexed in European databases CEEOL and EBSCO since 2010
Dr. Radoslav Raspopovic was a member of the Yugoslav Historical Magazine (1994-2000), History of the 20th Century, and then the Archive of Yugoslavia. He is teaching at the Faculty of Political Sciences at postgraduate studies and also at the diplomatic school "Gavro Vuković", that was also established at aforementioned Faculty. By the decision of the Government of Montenegro in early 2015, he was appointed a member of the Commission for the Diplomatic-Consular testing Committee, which is managed by the Diplomatic Academy established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro
Scholarly Publications — over 100 publications, including at least 15 monographs.
Selected publications
Selected monographs
- Наутика — предавања Марка Мартиновића руским морнарима у Перасту 1696–1698. Moskva, Podgorica, 2014. (Nautika — lectures of Marko Martinović to Russian sailors in Perast 1696–1698). In Serbian
- Istorija diplomatije Crne Gore 1711–1918. Podgorica, 2009 (History of diplomacy of Montenegro 1711–1918). In Serbian
- Stega-najstariji crnogorski zakonski spomenik. Podgorica, 2008. (Stega — the oldest Montenegrin law). In Serbian
- Diplomatija Crne Gore 1711–1918. Podgorica, Beograd, 1996. (Diplomacy in Montenegro 1711–1918). In Serbian
- Crna Gora i Rusija. Ogledi i eseji. Podgorica, Beograd, 2005. (Montenegro and Russia. Views and essays). In Serbian
- Ruski konzulat u Kotoru i Crna Gora 1804–1806. Podgorica, 2004. (Russian consular office in Kotor and Montenegro 1804–1806). In Serbian
- N.M. Potapov, Ruski vojni agent u Crnoj Gori; Tom I, Izvještaji raporti, telegrami pisma, Tom II, Dnevnik 1906–1907; 1912, 1914–1915 g. Podgorica, Moskva, 2003 (N.M. Potapov, Russian military agent in Montenegro). In Serbian
- Crnogorski zakonici 1796–1916, Pravni izvori i politički akti od značaja za istoriju državnosti Crne Gore, Tom I–V. Podgorica, 1998 (Montenegrin Laws 1796–1916). (Co-author B. Pavićević). In Serbian
- Međunarodni ugovori Crne Gore 1878–1918. Podgorica, 1992. (International contracts in Montenegro 1878–1918). (Co-author G. Perazić). In Serbian
Established edition Diplomatic Notes, and prepared collections of documents:
- Crna Gora i SAD, u dokumentima Nacionalnog arhiva u Vašingtonu 1905–1918. Podgorica, 2010 (Montenegro and the USA, in the documents of the National Archives in Washington 1905–1918).
- Crna Gora i Rusija, Materijali za istoriju Crne Gore u periodu vladike Save i Vasilija Petrovića, 1742–1766. Podgorica, 2012 (Montenegro and Russia, Materials for the History of Montenegro in the period of the bishop of Sava and Vasilije Petrović, 1742–1766).
- Crna Gora i Francuska, Diplomatija u izbjeglištvu-dokumenti iz diplomatskog arhiva kralja Nikole i crnogorskih vlada u egzilu 1919–1920, knj 1 i 2. Podgorica, 2014 (Montenegro and France, Diplomacy in Exile-Documents from the Diplomatic Archives of King Nikola and Montenegrin Governments in Exile 1919–1920, Volume 1 and 2).
- Crna Gora i Bugarska, u dokumentima Centralnog državnog arhiva Republike Bugarske. Podgorica, Sofija, 2015 (Montenegro and Bulgaria, in documents of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Bulgaria).
- Crna Gora i Njemački Rajh. Dokumenti službe Ministarstva spoljnih poslova u Berlinu, tom I. Podgorica, Regensburg, 2016 (Montenegro and the German Reich. Documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Service in Berlin).
Selected essays
- “Weapons in the History of Montenegro.” The World of Weapons: History, Heroes, Collections. Collection of Materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference. Tula, 2022, pp. 424–431. In Russ.
- “A montenegrói külpolitika dilemmái a 19. század második felétöl az elsö világháborúig.” Világtörténet, vol. 7–3, 2017, pp. 443–466. In Serbian
- “Russian Consulate in Kotor, 1804–1806.” Slavyanovedenie, no. 3, 2015. (Co-authored with Yu. Bichkov). In Russ.
- “Russian Diplomacy in the Balkans before and after the Coup D`état in May 1903 with Special Reference to Montenegro.” Balkanološke studije — zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa. Varšava, 2015. In English
- “Επιστημονική Επιθεώρηση του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος «Σπουδές στην Ορθόδοξη Θεολογία.” Σχολής Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών — Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου, Τόμος Δ΄, Πάτρα, 2013. In Greece
- “Crna Gora, Boka Kotorska i Ilirske provincije 1809–1813 / Le Monténegro, les Bouches de Kotor et les Provinces Illyriennes: 1809–1913, Kotor 19. oktobar 2009.” Istorijski zapisi, br 1–2, 2010. In Serbian
- “Military Convention between Montenegro and Rus’ in 1010.” Russian History of RAS. Moscow, 2009, pp. 54–68. In Russ.
- “The Role of Russian Church in the Making of Slavic States — on the Example of Montenegro.” Slavyansky Almanah, 2005. In Russ.
Web of Science, Scopus
- “The Heraldic Symbols of the Petrovichs in the XVIII Century and the Formation of the Modern Emblem of Montenegro.” Voprosy istorii, no. 8–2, 2023, pp. 4–25. (Co-authored with Odak M.). In Russ.
- “Montenegro in the Russian Balkan Policy of the Emperor Peter the Great at the Beginning of the 18th Century.” Voprosy istorii, no. 6–2, 2022, pp. 4–15. In Russ.
- “Opportunities to Preserve and Strengthen the Slavic Identity in the Conditions of Collapse of Slavic States.” Studia Slavica et Balkanica Petropolitana, no. 2, 2017, pp. 77–84. In Russ.
Teaching experience
Professor of History of diplomacy and History of diplomacy of Montenegro (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro) since 2006 onwards. Supervisor or committee member for many BA and MA thesis.