Professor of Russian language and literature, La Sapienza University of Rome
Sapienza University of Rome (Lа Sapienza)
Research interests: Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, Russian-Italian cultural ties, Russian artists and writers who lived in Rome in the 19th–20th centuries. Creativity N.V. Gogol, L.N. Andreev, M.A. Bulgakov, P.P. Muratov
Professional service
Chairman of the International Research Center “Pavel Muratov”, https://www.pavelmuratovcenter.org
Editor-in-Chief of the international journal on Russian studies Russica Romana. Rivista internazionale di studi russistici
Member of the Editorial Board of international journals Studia Litterarum (Moscow), Russian Post (Belgrade) and Specimina Slavica Lugdunensia (Lyon)
Head and scientific Editor of the project Rome in Russian Poetry of the 19th Century
Awards and distinctions
Winner of the Nikolay Gogol in Italy Award
Honorary Doctor of Tomsk State University (2018)
Academic publications — over 200 publications, including 6 monographs.
Selected publications
- “A girl from Albano.” Vittoria Caldoni-Lapchenko in Russian Art, Aesthetics, and Literature. Roma, Gangemi Editore, 2012. In Russ.
- Rome in Gogol’s Life and Work, or Paradise Lost. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2009. In Russ.
- La “meravigliosa” Roma di Gogol’. La città, gli artisti, la vita culturale nella prima metà dell’Ottocento. Roma, Edizioni Studium, 2002. In Italian
- Michail Bulgakov. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1981. In Italian
- Leonid Andreev. Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1977. In Italian
- Vittoria Caldoni Lapčenko. La “fanciulla di Albano” nell’arte, nell’estetica e nella letteratura russa. Roma, La Fenice, 1955. In Italian
Selected Essays
- “‘Images of Italy’ by P.P. Muratov is a One-of-a-kind Masterpiece of Russian Literature.” Zbornik Matitse srpske za slavistiku, no. 100, 2021, pp. 455-467. In Russ.
- “About the Utility of Russian Literature Outside of Russia.” Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], vol. 18, no. 3, 2020, pp. 290–300. DOI: 10.15393/j9.art.2020.8262 In Russ.
- “Karolina Pavlova and the ‛Black’ Roman Myth of Russian Poetry in the Mid-19th Century.” Zhukovsky and Other Materials of the International Scientific Readings in Memory of Alexander Sergeevich Yanushkevich. On the Occasion of his 75th Birthday, Tomsk, September 17–20, 2019. Tomsk, Tomsk University Press, 2020, pp. 396–406. In Russ.
- “Two Precursors of Expressionism: August Strindberg and Leonid Andreev.” Le avanguardie dei Paesi nordici nel contesto europeo del primo Novecento. The Nordic Avant-gardes in the European Context of the Early 20th Century. Bari, 2017, pp. 82–95. In English
- “‛Roma’ di Gogol’ e la Città eterna. Missione e messianesimo.” Incontri fra Russia e Italy. Lingua, letteratura, cultura. Milano, 2017, pp. 141–157. In Italian
- “‛Confessions of the Heart’ of P.P. Muratov. Rome in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century in The Images of Italy.” La poétique autobiographique à l‘Âge d’argent et au-delà, Modernités russes. Lyon, 2016, pp. 85–100. In Russ.
- “Gogol-Goethe-Rom, or a Triangular with Arabesques.” Islands of Love BorFeda. A Collection in Honor of the 90 year Anniversary of Boris F. Egorov. St. Petersburg, Rostok Publ., 2016, pp. 314–325. In Russ.
- “Letture e interpretazioni di Roma nella poesia russa della seconda metà dell’800.” Il gladiatore e la rusalka. Roma nella poesia russa dell’800. Antologia con testo russo a fronte, progetto di Rita Giuliani, a cura di R. Giuliani e P. Buoncristiano. Roma, 2015, pp. 51–83. In Italian
- “‛Roma’ di Gogol’ e il genius loci della Città eternal.” Dalla Russia in Italy. Intellettuali e artisti a Roma (XVIII e XIX secolo), a cura di S. Androsov, T. Musatova, A. d’Amelia, R. Giuliani. Salerno, 2015, pp. 165–175. In Italian